MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's

Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade


Staff Members

Mr. Yatin Bokil (Asst. Prof.)

My association with SKN Sinhgad School of Business Management and with Sinhgad Institutes for the last three years has been really wonderful and highly enriching. In the first year of Institute itself, we organized a National Level Conference “Confluence” which witnessed participation of researchers and faculty from various parts of India. Similarly from the first year we started to organize the Faculty Development Programme for the Management faculty. As part of the FDPs organised over last three years, several innovative aspects of teaching – learning process were discussed and deliberated. Being involved in the planning and organising these activities proved to be instrumental for learning not only about research and teaching methodologies but also about the various aspects of management through practical experiences. We have been consistently getting the financial assistance from University of Pune under Quality Improvement Programme for organising the conference, FDP, Seminar and for equipment purchase. By being the part of this process of getting financial assistance as Academic Research Coordinator appointed by Hon. Director Dr. Rajashree Shinde, it gave me immense opportunity to learn about the process and at the same time contribute towards the execution of various QIP activities. In the year 2012, under the guidance of Director, the faculty members applied for the Faculty Research Project Grant to BCUD, Pune. The individual Research Projects of four of us, the faculties of SKN SSBM, were selected by University of Pune for the financial assistance over the period of two years. Industrial visits is one of the crucial medium for building industry – institute relationship and provide students the exposure of actual working in the industry. My visits to various industries along with the students gave very effective platform to learn from industry and link theory and practice. The various opportunities provided by SKN SSBM and Sinhgad Institutes through organising various curricular and extra-curricular activities have benefitted me immensely in learning and developing myself and building mutually enriching association with students, my faculty colleagues and the various stakeholders  associated with student development process.

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Dr. Shalaka Sakhrekar(Associate Prof.)

I have been working with SKNSSBM for almost eleven years now and find my association with the institute to be very rewarding and satisfying. The Director of SKNSSBM is very approachable and is always enthusiastic in welcoming ideas related to the all-round development of students. Also, the team at the Institute is passionate about their job and nurtures an open working environment. There is a lot of opportunity for career growth as well.

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Dr. W. N. Gade (Vice Chancellor of Pune University) : Excellent. I am delighted to be present here. This Institute has very good faculty, good infrastructure and they maintain high quality of teaching. My best wishes.

Mr. Vikram Velhankar (Management Consultant) : Wonderful experience to be amongst the youngsters. Enthusiastic faculty members and excellent arrangement. We wish them bright future.

Mr. Dilip tikle ( Vice President of MKCL): Vibrant Environment. High commitment by every member was clearly visible. Excellent initiative. Wish you all the best.

Dr. Capt. C. M. Chitale : Happy to note the progress og this Institute under the able leadership of Dr. Rajashree Shinde. Very well managed programme. Keep it up! Congratulations!


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Ritu Dasgupta (CRM Analyst Deloitte) (A SKNSSBM alumnus:

SKN SINHGAD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT was the best choice for me to pursue MBA. The school enhanced me in every way possible and molded me into a professional MBA graduate. The faculties of SKNSSBM are phenomenal, who treat their students as a family and they are at your help 24*7 with a calm head. Personally, I've never experienced any school that is at par to SKNSSBM. SKNSSBM has a saying that we can't teach you anything, we can only make them think and that is what makes good managers. I am proud to be a part of such an esteemed B-School. Two years at SKNSSBM were excellent and we had an amazing infrastructure and atmosphere where student gets evolved.


Akshay Bajaj MBA Batch 20-22:

SKNSSBM is an amazing place for learning. Studying at the SKNSSBM brought and added value to my life. It gave me an opportunity to meet different kinds of people and to learn number of things. I am extremely satisfied about the well qualified and encouraging faculty. Received great support from faculty and placement cell to enhance my skill and an opportunity to showcase them.


Chinmay Pol MBA Batch 20-22 :

My experience with SKNSSBM has been nothing less than a mesmerizing one! I feel very proud to be a part of this prestigious institution. The faculty members here are determined, passionate and extremely driven. There is an ocean of opportunities that has opened up for me after joining the institution.

