MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade

Guest Sessions

Sr. No. Name of the Guest speaker Topic of the session Specialization Designation of the guest speaker Name of the firm
1 Dr Mohan Oswal Healthcare All Specialisations Surgeon Consulting Doctor
2 Dr. B. L. Desai Cloud computing Systems Sr. Manager Capagemini India Pvt Ltd
3 Niranjan Soni Career enrichment in finance Finance Quality Analyst SunGard Financial Systems
4 Devdatt Mandore Digital Marketing and Opportunities in digital Marketing Marketing CEO Webclincher Pvt. Ltd.
5 Mr Raja Raman SAS Research Technical Head UltraMax Pvt Ltd
6 Mr.Rajeev Ranjan Careers in Marketing Marketing Business Development Manager. Ezware
7 Mr. Gajanan Sapate Dynamics of Online-Marketing Marketing Proprietor Socialchamps Pvt. Ltd
8 Mr. Kunal patil Current State of Finance industry in India Finance Sr. Financial Analyst Reval Analytics
9 Dr Suhas Joshi Japanese Style in Management Operations Professor Garware College of Commerce
10 Ms Riya arora Followership and your own journey of life HR Director of operations Inspirational development group
11 Mr Ashok Deshpande Competencies expected from freshers in industry HR Head HR and corporate communication GSK ltd
12 Ashok Soman How to Crack Interviews All Specializations Freelance Trainer Freelance trainer
13 Amarnath Sindol Sports Management Marketing Sports Consultants Lakshya - Supporting sports
14 Dr Tushar Patil Cancer Awareness All functional areas Sahyadri Hospital Doctor
15 Prakash Kalbhande Understanding Indian Budget All Specializations Investment Management Consultant, Freelance Consultant
16 Sunil Gowardhan Operation Manamgnet-Industry Expectation Operations Div. Manager of Production Eng Div Tata Motors
17 Mr. Atul Bhopale Marketing strategies in Pharma Sector Marketing Management MD Nexgen Health Pvt. Ltd.
18 Mr. Abdul Sayyed Oncology Pharmaceutical Market Marketing Management Product Specialist Biocon
19 Mr.Mahendra Patil Careers in Suply Chain Management Operations Supply Chain Manager Cadbury India
20 Mrs. Kiran Goyal Gupta Current Trends in HR HR GM-HR Industry (National e-Governance Division Ministry of IT Govt Of India)
21 Adv.Dr.Sunil Gokhale HR-Course Pack MBA-I Advocate Legal Firm
22 Mr.Waman Jawadekar Strategic Design of MIS for Performance Management MBA-I Management and IT Consultant EMS Solutions
23 Dr Mohan Oswal Healthcare All Specialisations Surgeon Consulting Doctor
24 Dr. B. L. Desai Cloud computing Systems Sr. Manager Capagemini India Pvt Ltd
25 Niranjan Soni Career enrichment in finance Finance Quality Analyst SunGard Financial Systems
26 Devdatt Mandore Digital Marketing and Opportunities in digital Marketing Marketing CEO Webclincher Pvt. Ltd.
27 Mr Raja Raman SAS Research Technical Head UltraMax Pvt Ltd
28 Mr.Rajeev Ranjan Careers in Marketing Marketing Business Development Manager. Ezware
29 Mr. Gajanan Sapate Dynamics of Online-Marketing Marketing Proprietor Socialchamps Pvt. Ltd
30 Mr. Kunal patil Current State of Finance industry in India Finance Sr. Financial Analyst Reval Analytics
31 Dr Suhas Joshi Japanese Style in Management Operations Professor Garware College of Commerce
32 Ms Riya arora Followership and your own journey of life HR Director of operations Inspirational development group
33 Mr Ashok Deshpande Competencies expected from freshers in industry HR Head HR and corporate communication GSK ltd
34 Ashok Soman How to Crack Interviews All Specializations Freelance Trainer Freelance trainer
35 Amarnath Sindol Sports Management Marketing Sports Consultants Lakshya - Supporting sports
36 Dr Tushar Patil Cancer Awareness All functional areas Sahyadri Hospital Doctor
37 Prakash Kalbhande Understanding Indian Budget All Specializations Investment Management Consultant, Freelance Consultant
38 Sunil Gowardhan Operation Manamgnet-Industry Expectation Operations Div. Manager of Production Eng Div Tata Motors
39 Mr. Atul Bhopale Marketing strategies in Pharma Sector Marketing Management MD Nexgen Health Pvt. Ltd.
40 Mr. Abdul Sayyed Oncology Pharmaceutical Market Marketing Management Product Specialist Biocon
41 Mr.Mahendra Patil Careers in Suply Chain Management Operations Supply Chain Manager Cadbury India
42 Mrs. Kiran Goyal Gupta Current Trends in HR HR GM-HR Industry (National e-Governance Division Ministry of IT Govt Of India)
43 Adv.Dr.Sunil Gokhale HR-Course Pack MBA-I Advocate Legal Firm
44 Mr.Waman Jawadekar Strategic Design of MIS for Performance Management MBA-I Management and IT Consultant EMS Solutions
45 Mr.Yashodhan Khare Basics of Stock Market Finance Vimal & Sons
46 Mr. Rajendra Kulkarni New Age Banking Finance GM Bank of Maharashtra
47 Mr.Yashodhan Khare Introduction to Derivatives and how ro prepare for NCFM, Career opportunities in NCFM. Finance Partner Vimal & Sons
48 Mr. Sanjeev Math Career Opportunities in FMCD Industry In India. Marketing GM-Sales P E Electronics Ltd.
49 Mr. Madan Kore Eurozone and Economic Crisis MBA-II CEO Kash Management Services
50 Mr. Nishant Mishra Basic Principles of Competitive Intelligence and competitive Strategy. Marketing GM Rasaynik Biological Pvt Ltd.
51 Mr. Sudheer Sant General Aspect of Management. MBA-I Consultant
52 Mr. Nishant Mishra Industry Expectations and Prerequisites for entering the industry. MBA-II GM Rasaynik Biological Pvt Ltd.
53 Mr. Vikas Chapekar Banking Business and Managing situations with respect to Banking Finance GM Bank of Maharashtra
54 Swami Siddheshanand Self Management & Discipline MBA-II Chinmaya Mission
55 Mr.Madhukar Paranjape History & Culture of TATA MBA-II GM TATA SONS
56 Ms. Devangi Bhuta Capital Market Finance GM Lotusknowlwealth
57 Mr. Prakash Rokade Problem Solving Techniques Used In Industry Operations GM Premium Automobiles Ltd, Pune
58 Mr. Harridaysh Kulakrni Blue Ocean Strategy MBA-II Consultant DYPDC Centre for automotive research & studies.
59 Mr. Vinay Kelkar Attitudinal Change for Performance Improvement MBA-II Consultant Satguru Consultants
60 Ketan Limaye Introduction of how industry works MBA I VP J.P.Morgan
61 Mr. Gaurav Ambedkar Motivation MBA-I HR Consultant
62 Dr Archana Thombare Disaster Management MBA-I Doctor YASHADA
63 Mr. Ketan Gandhi Make In India MBA-I President and CEO KgGuru Acedemy
64 Mr. Niraj Madhekar Opprtunities In Banking Sector MBA Sem-II Finance Executive Vice President Yes Bank
65 Mr. Pushkar Joshi Carrier Opportunities in Finance & Accounting Domain – Outsourcing Area MBA Sem-II Finance General Manager Operations F&A. WNS, Pune
66 Mr. Suhash Joshi Japanse Management MBA Sem-I Head, Marketing Department, and Academic & Research Coordinator Garware College of Commerce,pune
67 Amarnath Sindol Sports Marketing MBA-I Independent Sports Consultant
68 Milind Mutalik Current Trends in HR MBA-HR for Global Human Resource Support Synechron Technologies
69 Tasneem Rampurawala Decision making Management MBA-I Business Relationship Manager Virtuoso Projects & Engineers Pvt Ltd
70 Jaydeep Sant MBA Mkt Sem=III Head of Sales and Business Development Bosch Ltd.
71 Mr.Santosh Kesari Carriers in Consumer Durable MBA Mkt Sem=III Deputy Manager Panasonic
72 Mr Dhanajay Khare SAP HR module MBA HR Sem-III
73 Dr. Manjiri Valsankar Women And Health Issues All Female Faculties and Students
74 Ms. Deepti Chandrachud Jobs OR Entrepreneurship MBA Sem-I
75 Dr. Sharad Joshi Specialization Guidance Session MBA Semester II Reputed Management Consultant, IIM Ahmedabad
76 Mr.Vaibhav date HR innovations MBA Semester II Head - Talent Management at Future Group Fututre Group-India
77 MR Baliram Mudagekar Current Trends in HR MBA Semester I and MBA HR VP-HR iNautix - BNY Mellon company.
